Alumni Association
Rotary District 7600 Alumni Association
What is an Alumni?
Rotary alumni are individuals who participated in any Rotary Foundation-sponsored program or scholarship, including Group Study Exchange, Vocational Training Team, Peace Scholar, and Global Scholar (formerly Ambassadorial Scholars). National Immunization Day (NID) participants, and Global Grant Organizers who have gone on-site. Alumni include both Rotarians and non-Rotarians, and may also include other members of the Rotary family, such as Interact, Rotaract, Youth Exchange, and RYLA.
What is the purpose of the Alumni Association?
To encourage fellowship among Alumni and Rotarians, and facilitate participation, sponsorship, and promotion of Rotary-related projects, activities, and programs. The close association between Rotary and the Alumni Association is encouraged so that the achievements of the Alumni, as well as Rotary, can continue to be enhanced and recognized.

Alumni Association Leadership Team
Team Members
Association President Adeeb Hamzey (Global Grant)
Association Past President John Miller (Ambassadorial Scholar)
Association Secretary Leslie Borwick (Global Grant)
Social Media Chair (Group Study Exchange) Vacant
Speakers Bureau Chair Jan Rowley (National Immunization Day)
Colleen Bonadonna (PolioPlus/National Immunization Day)
Tom Dana (Global Grant)
Tyler Neese (Rotaract)
Mike Little (Global Grant/Scholar Chair)
Sarah Saville (National Immunization Day)
Metta Alsobrook (Rotaract)
Barbara Moore (Group Study Exchange)
Alumni Co-Advisor: Past District Governor Jim Probsdorfer
Alumni Co-Advisor: Past District Governor Judy Cocherell
Honorary: Past District Governor Clenise Platt