PolioPlus Society

The PolioPlus Society is a group of individuals who are passionate about Rotary’s #1 Priority…the elimination of the poliovirus from the face of the earth.
Complete this commitment form to join the District 7600 PolioPlus Society TODAY.
The PolioPlus Society, or PPS, operates much like the Paul Harris Society, whereby a Rotarian or friend commits to donate $1,000 per year or more to The Rotary Foundation. Except the PolioPlus Society requires you to donate only a minimum of $100, and to continue to do so annually until the World Health Organization declares the world free of the poliovirus.
PolioPlus Society members will receive a special pin depicting a child receiving the two precious drops, and a PolioPlus Certificate proclaiming their membership in this unique Society. Plus, you will know that you are doing good in the world and are in this fight to the end.
Ready to Join?
Complete this Commitment form (Fillable PDF). Save the form to your computer.
Send the Commitment form to the district’s Polio Programs Chair HERE.
Make your tax-deductible donation:
- Sign-in to your account at myrotary.org/donate, and click on “Polio Fund”. You can choose a one-time donation of $100 or more, or a recurring donation in the amount and frequency of your choice.
- Or, you can write a check payable to “The Rotary Foundation,” with PolioPlus in the memo section, and give it to your club’s Foundation Chair.